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Get to know Channel 7 Journalist and Producer Ebony Abblitt

21 July, 2022

Ebony Abblitt only started her new position as a Journalist and Producer at Channel 7 Rockhampton in June, but has wasted no time getting stuck into some memorable stories. 

She said a highlight from the “hectic” first few weeks in Central Queensland was covering the Nadesalingham family’s return to Biloela. 

The refugee family were given permission to return to the small regional town by newly elected Prime Minister Anthony Albanese following a long and highly publicised advocacy campaign after being threatened with deportation and returned to immigration detention. Ebony Abblitt

"I cried multiple times, pretty much everyone had a tear in their eyes. It was a very very special moment to witness,” Ebony says. 

“To get to cover something that I've been watching from a distance for the last four and a half years. To help with that, to lead it with a live cross, to be there when that family landed… There are no words to describe the feeling on the ground there, and just the incredible honour to be able to share that conclusion of sorts for that chapter.

“That's definitely a highlight of the first two weeks, and definitely a lifetime, career highlight.” 

Starting in PR and admin, Ebony says her career path may have been a bit untraditional. But after landing her first journalist role with a paid cadetship at Southern Cross Austereo’s 7 Tasmania, she was soon able to move into various print and radio jobs. 

She says one experience that has stuck with her was covering COVID during the height of the pandemic in Tasmania. 

“It's kind of sad but being that person at the forefront of telling people that COVID deaths have happened, that hospitals are shutting down. There was a whole team that was really being those people that are giving this news,” Ebony says.

“There was a lot of weight on us, and it was something that we took really really seriously. That's definitely going to stick with me.”

Having covered many challenging and distressing stories, Ebony says she is often on the lookout for more uplifting or inspirational moments to share. 

“There are stories that I've covered like house fires, where people have lost everything, there are fatal accidents that I still think of extremely regularly, just the impact that they've had on people and communities,” she says. 

“But there are so many lovely stories, like there was a 60th wedding anniversary that I covered, and I actually ran into the people from it on a plane to Brisbane four months later, and they thanked me because they loved it. 

“Getting to meet and interview Ariarne Titmus getting the key to the city in Launceston... There are so many little things that I've done that I've loved. Talking to people that are passionate about their hobbies, or passionate about their job, it inspires me everyday.” 

Ebony’s most recent move to Central Queensland came after putting her name forward for the Channel 7 Journalist and Producer role. Despite the challenges of learning to produce for the first time, she says the support from her team and the sunny Queensland weather has made it all worthwhile. 

“Channel 7 has an incredible reputation and it's a company that I've wanted to work for for as long as I can imagine,” she says. 

“In my wildest dreams I didn't think I'd be considered, let alone getting it. I'm still coming to terms with the fact that I'm here and it happened, it hasn't quite sunk in yet.” 


Ebony’s pitching preferences: 

“[I’m interested in stories about] anyone who has a talent, or something that people are affected by.

“I love the unique stories, and the lighthearted ones. There's a lot of serious topics, and they really do need the airtime, but just the things that make people smile… I think there are not enough pitches about that. If I can go home feeling warm and fuzzy about the stuff that I've done, there are never any complaints there.”

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