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Interview with Justin Hill, Red Carpet Presenter at 2Day FM

14 February, 2019

2Day FM - Justin Hill Justin Hill is a TV presenter, radio host, Red Carpet reporter, producer and social media expert. He can be heard across the Hit Network, talking all things gossip and celebrities. Justin has interviewed the who’s who of celebrities, including Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Ed Sheeran and Katy Perry. He is a self-confessed fashionista, and is known for the unique bow ties that he wears to premieres and events.


Last year, you launched a new show called FaceTime with Justin Hill, a filter-free and personal look into the lives of celebrities. What surprising things have come out of this?
These days, I really feel like you just don’t know if you’re onto a winner when it comes to an idea. When this popped into my head in the shower, deep down I could feel it was such a unique idea and people would love it. I’ve vowed to never be a reporter who EVER does a plain, vanilla interview and this seemed to fit that vow. I’ve also seen Oprah use the exact same format since my series ended, so it’s not very often you can say Oprah stole your idea!


With your experience interviewing celebrities, how do you ensure an interview runs smoothly?
Do your homework. I always go into an interview with an icebreaker. It could be something the celeb posted an Insta story on that morning or an unknown love or passion of theirs that they casually once mentioned in a random interview. The one thing I’ve learned over the years is that they are as nervous as I am, so if I can ease that then everyone relaxes and we get a great chat.


What essentials must an event press release contain to strike your interest?
STRIKING headline. SHORT in length. A UNIQUE angle – and don’t try and tell me something is exciting when you know and I know it’s not. If your event is not the most groundbreaking event I’ve ever seen, look for an angle that will appeal to me. Finally, never, ever start an email with ‘Hi there’; those get deleted.


As someone with multiple roles, what time management tips can you offer?
Get used to working on little sleep and a lot of coffee. Seriously though, ensure any downtime or spare time you have is used wisely. Allocate yourself some time to do what makes you happy, and by no means does that mean switch off your phone and stare at a wall. People who say that social detox is the way to do it are not always right. If scrolling through videos of puppies being cute makes you happy, do that for 30 mins!


Of the celebrities that you haven’t interviewed, who would you most like to interview and why?
Oprah. To speak to her about stealing my idea haha! But really, KFC heiress, “designer”, influencer and all-round hot mess Kaila Methven. She’s a recent find of mine and would absolutely be the kind of person who would say “I’m bored, let’s go to Bora Bora”… plus, free chicken.

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